sabato 5 marzo 2011


Blizzard of One, 1998
Dark Harbor, 1993
Reasons for Moving, Darker  &  The  Sargentville Notebook,1992
The Continuos Life, 1990
Selected Poems, 1980
The Late Hour, 1978
The Story of Our Lives, 1973
Reasons for Moving, 1968
Sleeping with One Eye Open,1964

Mr. and Mrs. Baby, 1985
The Monument, 1978

The Weather of Words. Writings on Poetry and the Imagination, 2000

Travelling in the Family, 1986 ( Poesie di Carlos Drummond de Andrade, con Thomas Colchie)
The Owl's Insomnia , 1973 ( Poesie di Rafael Alberti)

Scritti sull' arte
Edward Hopper. 1993
William Bailey, 1987
Art of the Real, 1983

Libri per bambini

Rembrandt Takes a Walk, 1986                                                
The Night Book, 1985The Planet of Lost Thing, 1982

The Golden Ecco Anthology, 1994
Best American Poetry, 1992
Another Republic ( con Charles Simic), 1976
New Poetry of Mexico ( con Octavio Paz), 1970
The Contemporary American Poets, 1969

                                                                           Fonte: Edizioni Donzelli

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