giovedì 21 aprile 2011

MARK STRAND ' s Bibliography (In English)

Bibliography excerpt from The Poetry Foundation


Mark Strand a Parole Spalancate 2010
foto 36° Fotogramma - Marco Dragonetti




  • Sleeping with One Eye Open, Stone Wall Press, 1964.
  • Reasons for Moving: Poems, Atheneum, 1968.
  • Darker: Poems, Atheneum, 1970.
  • The Story of Our Lives, Atheneum, 1973.
  • The Sargeantville Notebook, Burning Deck, 1974.
  • Elegy for My Father, Windhover, 1978.
  • The Late Hour, Atheneum, 1978.
  • Selected Poems, Atheneum, 1980.
  • The Continuous Life, Knopf (New York), 1990.
  • The Monument, Ecco Press, 1991.
  • Reasons for Moving, Darker, and the Sargeantville Notebook, Knopf, 1992.
  • Dark Harbor: A Poem, Knopf, 1993.
  • Blizzard of One: Poems, Knopf, 1998.
  • 89 Clouds (single poem), monotypes by Wendy Mark and introduction by Thomas Hoving, ACA Galleries (New York), 1999.
  • Man and Camel, Knopf, 2005.
  • New Selected Poems, Knopf, 2007.
Also author of New Poems, 1990, and Chicken, Shadow, Moon & More (poems with illustrations by the author), 2000.

  • The Planet of Lost Things, illustrated by William Pene du Bois, C. N. Potter, 1982.
  • The Night Book, illustrated by Pene du Bois, C. N. Potter, 1983.
  • Rembrandt Takes a Walk, illustrated by Red Grooms, C. N. Potter, 1986.
  • (Editor) The Contemporary American Poets, New American Library, 1968.
  • (Editor) New Poetry of Mexico, Dutton, 1970.
  • (Editor and translator) 18 Poems from the Quechua, Halty Ferguson, 1971.
  • (Editor and translator) Rafael Alberti, The Owl's Insomnia, Atheneum, 1973.
  • (Editor with Charles Simic) Another Republic: Seventeen European and South American Writers, Ecco, 1976.
  • (Translator) Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Souvenir of the Ancient World, Antaeus Editions, 1976.
  • The Monument (prose), Ecco, 1978.
  • (Contributor) Claims for Poetry, edited by Donald Hall, University of Michigan Press, 1982.
  • (Editor) The Art of the Real (art criticism), C. N. Potter, 1983.
  • Mr. and Mrs. Baby and Other Stories (short stories), Knopf, 1985.
  • (Editor with Thomas Colchie; translator with Elizabeth Bishop, Colchie, and Gregory Rabassa) Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Traveling in the Family, Random House, 1987.
  • William Bailey (art criticism), Abrams, 1987.
  • (Editor) The Best American Poetry, 1991, Macmillan, 1991.
  • (Contributor) Within This Garden: Photographs by Ruth Thorne-Thomsen, Columbia College Chicago/Aperture Foundation, 1993.
  • (Editor) Golden Ecco Anthology, Ecco Press, 1994.
  • Hopper (art criticism), Ecco Press, 1994.
  • (Editor with Eavan Boland) The Making of a Poem: A Norton Anthology of Poetic Forms, Norton (New York), 2000.
  • The Weather of Words: Poetic Invention, Knopf, 2000.
  • (Translator) Looking for Poetry: Poems by Carlos Drummond de Andrade and Rafael Alberti, with Songs from the Quechua, Knopf, 2002.
  • (Editor) 100 Great Poems of the Twentieth Century, Norton (New York), 2005.

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